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Center for Social Impact

We Empower Agents of Social Change in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

Social Entrepreneurship

Certificate in Social Entrepreneurship and
Community Development

Supporting Youth Education in Myanmar

Over 10 days in February, we visited the 4 educational academies (Pinnya Tagar, Cherry Myay, Level Up and Education Gathering Group) that partner with PYU to deliver our certificate program in Myanmar.

The program, first opened in 2013 has now been delivered 36 times and this year we are really excited to pass the milestone of over 1,000 graduates who have gone on to serve and improve their communities.

Supporting Youth Education in Myanmar

Social Entrepreneurship Module

Social Entrepreneurship Module

This year we embedded a new Social Entrepreneurship module into the program.

The teachers and the academy principles took an intensive preparation course at PYU and we delivered teacher training and mentoring on-site at the academies.

Over the next few months, we are looking forward to supporting their students in developing new social enterprises that will create social impact in their communities.

Zoom Mentoring

If we can’t go to our students, they can come to PYU…..virtually
Over the past few months we have supported the program through regular webinars to help the students develop a Social Business Model Canvas.

social impact teaching online

For more information please contact the Center for Social Impact

Student Opportunities

The Center for Social Impact will have many opportunities for students to travel, to take part in community serviceand to participate in events to help others.

Partner Opportunities

WE are currently involved in several projects with many partners. Scan our current projects to see if you are interested in working with us.

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Staff Opportunities

Did you know you could apply for funding opportunities co-funded in Thailand? Contact us for more dertails.