Green Entrepreneurship

Green Entrepreneurship and Local Culture: Youth Workers on the Move

The RECALL Project
RECALL aims to build on the capacity of youth organisations in Bhutan, India, Myanmar and Thailand to supply young people with green and entrepreneurial skills therefore creating conditions for them to fulfil their potential in rural areas and ensure the protection of local traditions.
RECALL will also promote environmentally active behaviour of young people who will be able to make a difference in their daily lives by empowering them to act as ‘agents of change for environmental and sustainable development’.
RECALL Partner Institutions
Project Overview
In many countries, rural areas are often associated with unfavourable conditions for living and employment. Many young people do not have access to high-quality education and are at risk of social exclusion. Some of them leave rural areas to look for better professional realisation and personal fulfilment.
RECALL aims to empower youth to develop sustainable business ideas and to rediscover rural areas as places where they can apply their creativity through innovation and entrepreneurship based on the ideas of the circular economy. Green skills are the knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes needed to live in, develop and support a society that reduces the impact of human activity on the environment (EU commission (Skills panorama), 2015). Employed with these skills youth organisations and young people can also find inspiration in local cultural traditions and practices to set up their green entrepreneurial businesses.
The project seeks to build the capacity of youth organisations in Europe and Asia to promote green skills, circular economy and youth-led green entrepreneurship in encouraging positive social change in rural areas of involved countries. Based on their cultural traditions and identity, young people can find inspiration to use nature and local resources sustainably, to start entrepreneurial endeavours, which preserve the environment, and to contribute to their communities’ wellbeing.
RECALL seeks synergies between the four pillars of sustainable development – environment, economy, society and culture to fight youth unemployment and social exclusion in rural areas.
Project Objectives
- Improve the knowledge and capacity of youth organisations to promote green and entrepreneurial skills in rural areas as a way to overcome youth unemployment
- Enhance cooperation and exchange of good practices in the field of youth work in rural areas based on reviving local cultural traditions that entail sustainable living
- Support the qualitative development of youth work through the application of training toolkit for green skills
Project Beneficiaries
The target groups are youth organisations and young people in rural areas in Europe and Asia.
RECALL addresses not only the disadvantaged youth but also the environmental issues as climate change, pollution, resource depletion, etc., which are becoming more and more pressing problems (especially in Asia).
Project Outputs
- Youth Workers Seminar for Cooperation
- Training toolkit for green skills and youth-led GE based on local cultures and traditions
- Bootcamp for Green Skills
- Good Practices of Youth-led Green Entrepreneurship and a Video Case Library for Acquiring Green Skills and Application of Circular Economy in Certain Contexts
- Bootcamps in Green Entrepreneurship in Each RECALL Country
Project Information
Erasmus+ KA2 Programme: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Capacity Building in the field of Youth
Project number: 617410-EPP-1-2020-1-BG-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA
Coordinator: Dobrudzha Agrarian and Business School (DABS) (Bulgaria)
Project Duration: 18 months – 16th December 2020–15th June 2022