Sustainable Tourism

Competence Centres for the Development of Sustainable Tourism and Innovative Financial Management Strategies to Increase the Positive Impact of Local Tourism in Thailand and Vietnam


The TOURIST Project

The tourism industry in Thailand and Vietnam are among the fastest growing in the world and is the employer of a large number of locals. In order to preserve the benefits gained from tourism for the future it is important to protect the natural resources, the environment and the people. The concept of sustainable tourism when applied accurately, can support the tourism industry to grow further in a sustainable way.

TOURIST Partner Institutions

payap tourist project partners
FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences (Austria)

payap tourist project partners
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
payap tourist project partners
University of Alicante (Spain)

payap tourist project partners
Hue University (Vietnam)

payap tourist project partners
University of Social Sciences and Humanities Hanoi (Vietnam)

payap tourist project partners
University of Social Sciences and Humanities Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)

payap csi icon
Payap University (Thailand)

payap tourist project partners
Kasetsart University (Thailand)

Prince of Songkla University (Thailand)

stepup project partner
Burapha University (Thailand)
payap tourist project partners
The Thailand Community Based Tourism Institute (Thailand)

Project Overview

The tourism industry in Thailand and Vietnam are among the fastest growing in the world and is the employer of a large number of locals. In order to preserve the benefits gained from tourism for the future it is important to protect the natural resources, the environment and the people. The concept of sustainable tourism when applied accurately, can support the tourism industry to grow further in a sustainable way.

The concept itself is rather new to higher education institutions in Thailand and Vietnam and therefore it is essential to increase awareness and understanding of sustainable tourism. This will be done with expert trainings and the introduction of seven competence centres for sustainable tourism and innovative financial management strategies at Thai and Vietnamese higher education institutions.

Definition of Sustainable Tourism

Tourism that takes full account of its current and future (short and long-term) economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities.”  (UNWTO, 2005)

Through expert training, academic staff, students and companies will receive upgraded knowledge on sustainable tourism and innovative financial management strategies to reach the following aims:

  • to spread knowledge of sustainable tourism during the planned counselling sessions within the competence centres,
  • to increase the number of projects on sustainable tourism and,
  • to make sure that these projects will be funded by innovative financial management strategies to generate a long-term growth of sustainable tourism in Thailand and Vietnam

To expand the generated knowledge in the project, a network for sustainable tourism and innovative financial management strategies will be established. Furthermore, through the intensive cooperation with companies, associations and governmental bodies throughout the TOURIST project, the university-business cooperation will be improved.

Project Objectives

  • Capacity building of experts on sustainable tourism and innovative financial management strategies at HEIs in Thailand and Vietnam
  • Implementation of seven competence centres at partner HEIs to increase awareness and expertise of sustainable tourism and innovative financial management strategies measures
  • Foster university-business cooperation through the TOURIST competence centres and network
    Increase of employability of students due to upgraded knowledge on sustainable tourism
  • Current status analysis of the industry and identification of efforts in sustainable tourism in Thailand, Vietnam and the European partner countries and the identification of gaps/ necessities in each participating region
  • Creation of a nationwide and international network with target groups from the tourism industry and from FM to increase impacts on the area of sustainability in tourism

Project Beneficiaries

  • Students and student associations studying tourism programmes and aiming to change tourism perceptions in the participating countries HEIs leaders and managers of the areas of sustainable tourism and innovative financial management
  • Academic staff focusing on sustainable tourism and innovative financial management
  • Companies operating in tourism
  • Tourism associations and political partners

Project Outputs

  1. TOURIST capacity building trainings: Building up know-how within the seven HEIs in Thailand and Vietnam on sustainable tourism and innovative financial management strategies during 4 trainings in Thailand and Vietnam to improve capacities for more initiatives on the topics.
  2. TOURIST network and knowledge transfer platform: Establishing a network which aims for international exchange on the topics of sustainable tourism and innovative FM strategies among all target groups of the project. Attached to the network also a knowledge transfer platform will be established aiming at sharing knowledge among the members of the network on the project´s core topics and to spread the existence of the competence centres as expertise hubs.

Project Information

Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education Joint Project

Project Number: 585785-EPP-1-2017-1-AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Coordinator: FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH (Austria)

Project Duration: 15.10.2017–14.04.2021 – 42 months